Financial Connections
Well Authority is pleased to offer a heavy arsenal of well established connections with a variety of financial institutions that either have utilized our reports in connection with executing financial instruments and trade agreements or have facilitated transactions and projects managed or negotiated by us. Note that this list is not comprehensive and contains only a limited sample of references.
Bank One, Texas, N.A. – Houston
P. O. Box 2629
Houston, Texas 77001
Bank of America Trust Department
P. O. Box 830650
Dallas, Texas 75283
Bank of New York Corporate Trust Dept.
101 Barkley Street
New York, New York 10286
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Two Houston Center
Houston, Texas 77002
Central Bank National Association
P.O. Box 5548 T.A.
Denver, Colorado 80217
Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
One Chase Manhattan Plaza
New York, New York 10081
Chemical Bank
20 Pine Street
New York, New York 10015
Citibank N.A.
5 Hanover Square, 14th Floor
New York, New York 10014
Commerce Bank-Texas
910 Louisiana, 4th Floor
Houston, Texas 77002
Compass Bank
24 Greenway Plaza, 14th Floor
Houston, Texas 77046
Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette
140 Broadway
New York, New York 10005
Equity General Insurance Company
One Madison Ave.
New York, New York 10010
First Bank Northwest
1035 W. Broadway Ave.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55411
First City, Texas – Houston, N.A.
P.O. Box 2557
Houston, Texas 77001
J. P. Morgan Interfunding Corp.
Three Landmark Square
Stamford, Connecticut 06801
John Hancock Mutual Life
John Hancock Place
P.O. Box 111
Boston, Massachusetts 02117
Kidder Peabody and Company, Inc.
10 Hanover Square
New York, New York 10005
Lehman Brothers
American Express Tower
New York, New York 10285
Macquarie Group Limited
No. 1 Martin Place
Sydney New South Wales 2000, Australia
Manufactures Hanover Trust Co.
270 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10017
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
One Madison Ave.
New York, New York 10010
Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co.
345 Cedar Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 455101
Prudential Capital Corporation
17 N. Harwood, Suite 2670
Dallas, Texas 75201
Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co., Inc.
1345 Ave. of the Americas
New York, New York 10105
State Farm Insurance Company
One State Farm Plaza
Bloomington, Illinois 61701
TransAmerica Life Insurance and Annuity
P.O. Box 60033 T.A.
Los Angeles, California 90060
The Travelers Insurance Company
One Tower Square
Hartford, Connecticut 06115